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At Swayed, we’ve collaborated with a multitude of performance marketing companies and have experienced a wide range of situations – from the impressive successes to the unfortunate setbacks. The performance marketing world is ever-evolving, and we know you’re eager to explore new lead verticals to keep your business thriving. So, let us share some hard-earned wisdom and how Swayed can help you dive into new verticals with finesse and success.

Many companies, instead of conducting proper market research, decide to “go with their gut” and enter a new lead vertical. You can imagine their shock when they realize they have stumbled into an oversaturated market. The lesson? Do thorough market research and analysis of the verticals you’re considering. Identify current trends, emerging technologies, and potential gaps. Trust us, it’s better than taking a wild guess.

Along the same lines, It’s tempting to try to break into a niche market with no prior experience. The likely result will be a series of expensive mistakes and headaches. Before diving into a new vertical, it’s crucial to assess your capabilities and expertise. Examine your resources, technology, and team, and be candid about your readiness to tackle the distinct challenges of the new market.

Not to worry though! With Swayed by your side, you don’t have to navigate these uncharted waters alone. We’re here to help you enter and excel in new verticals, even those you’re unfamiliar with. Our team of experts will provide the guidance and support you need to overcome obstacles and achieve success in any vertical you choose to explore.

Once you’ve identified your vertical, it’s easy to get over ambitious and launch a full scale campaign without testing the waters first. We’ve seen these campaigns flop and the company is left with a hefty bill. Learn from their mistakes: Run a pilot project or small-scale test campaign before committing to a new lead vertical. This will help you gauge the potential for success and gather valuable feedback.

We’ve also witnessed companies dead set on dominating a new vertical all by themselves, overlooking the value of strategic partnerships. As a result, they’re often outperformed by the competition. Forming strategic partnerships with industry players is key to reinforcing your standing in the market.

At Swayed, we pride ourselves on having partnerships with companies across various verticals, as well as a wealth of expertise. We’ll help you connect with the right partners, who bring specialized knowledge, resources, and connections to the table. By collaborating with these partners, you’ll not only gain a competitive edge but also unlock doors to new markets and opportunities. Let Swayed support your expansion into new verticals, so you can thrive even in the most competitive landscapes.

After you’ve successfully entered your new vertical, the journey doesn’t end there. Overlooking the importance of optimizing your lead distribution process for a new vertical can be a costly mistake. Companies that disregard optimization experience disappointing conversion rates and lost revenue opportunities. Don’t fall into the same trap. Tailoring your lead distribution process to the specific requirements of the industry is crucial for success.

At Swayed, we understand the importance of continual optimization. Our team of experts will actively monitor and fine-tune your campaigns to meet the unique needs of each vertical. We’ll help you implement the latest technologies, refine lead qualification criteria, and adjust your campaigns to boost ping acceptance rates and revenue. Trust Swayed to optimize your campaigns, so you can focus on growing your business and exploring new opportunities.

Overall, expanding into new verticals can be as challenging as it is rewarding. But why navigate the murky waters alone when you could work with Swayed? We’ll help you avoid these pitfalls and guide you through the process of scaling into new verticals with confidence. Together, we’ll transform your amusing tales into success stories, ensuring your performance marketing business thrives in the ever-changing digital landscape.

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